20 May 2011

Happy Birthday To...Me

So the big 21st is today, and I shan't be going out celebrating. It's almost a blessing in one sense that it falls slap-bang in the middle of exams. Most of my 'friends' are gone home for the weekend; I use that term loosely. I got a grand total of 9 birthday texts today. How tragic. My friends know it's my birthday....as in, my 9 little friends. I think it's sad to know how little I really matter to people, I mean, to actually know how little I mean to them. I am only too well aware that if I was still on facebook I would have a considerable amount more, but Facebook friends aren't really friends. They're screen friends....they won't be there for you when you really need them/anyone by your side.

I went into college earlier to pick up my hoodie from Photography society (finally after 2 months). I bumped into AK & SB in the shop while I was waiting to meet chairperson...and I end up getting a cup of hot milky water thrown all over me. (Screw you AK in all your cheap-skate ways!!) What a way to feel the love on your bday.

The girls I was living with moved out today after their one and only exam. Early Childhood have it so easy! I took the opportunity to throw out most of my food, so I pretty much porridge, fruit and veg left. I can exercise as much and eat as little as I like without any questions being asked. What heaven.

I fully intend to eat as little as I possibly can while I can. I binged yesterday - 3 bars of chocolate and a packet of crisps. I could put the blame down to aunt flo's monthly visit, but I won't. I know it was my own weakness. I need to be stronger, I have to be stronger. It's the only way I will ever achieve my goals.


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